
Simple guide to smudging

Smudging is one of my favorite ways to cleanse my space and my being, so I thought I'd break this ritual down to a few simple tips today on my blog. You might have heard the word "smudging" used and you may have seen what looks like dried leaves tied together with string in WholeFoods or your local apothecary. If you have, and you've wondered what that's all about, read on. Smudging is the term for clearing lingering energy (of a space or a person) by burning various healing herbs. The idea of purification by smoke can be traced back to Native Americans, though many cultures around the world have rituals using herbal smoke mixtures, including some from China, India, Southeast Asia, and Europe.

Benefits of smudging:

Smudging has been known to cleanse or purify energy, whether it is that of a person or a space. Essentially, it does the same thing for the person or space that hitting "reset" would do for your cell phone. Native people believed the smoke ascends to the heavens, or the world of spirits, acting as a spiritual messenger. For those of you who like a dash of solid science with your woo woo, I recently saw this article citing studies on how smudging cleanses the air of harmful bacteria and can be medicinal.

Ideas for when to smudge:

  • Ending a job and preparing for a new job
  • Ending a relationship
  • Returning from travel
  • To cleanse and bless a space/house/apartment/office you are about to move into (and even the space you've just moved out of, to prepare it for the next person.)
  • After an emotionally difficult day, an argument, etc
  • After a therapy/healing session (whether you're the healer or the client.)
  • To mark an occasion or crossing a threshold (New Years, birthday, a birth, a death)
  • Celebrating seasons (solstices and equinoxes) and other earth cycles (full moon, new moon)
  • When you want to feel more centered or protected

Simple smudging tools: (You can purchase these tools via the Amazon affiliate links in text below.)

  • Smudge stick - Bundle of dried, cleansing herbs of your choice. You can also create a bowl of the loose leaves, though when they are bound together with a colorful string, they are much easier to use. (earth element)
  • Large feather - Used for wafting the cleansing smoke around the person or space to be purified. Use the underside of the feather when moving smoke around, as the underside of the bird's wing is what faces mother Earth when flying. (air element)
  • Abalone shell - Used to catch ashes that fall and also to tamp out the flame or smoldering embers. Some shells even come with a great little wooden stand. (The shell represents water element, though one can also use a small ceramic or stone bowl for the same purposes.)
  • Lighter/Matches/Candle - Used to ignite the herbs (fire element)

How to smudge:

You will simply light the bundle of herbs, then tamp the flame so the dry leaves are just smoldering. The smoke is what you want to use here to clear the air. You can wave it around yourself or in the corners of the room with your hand or more traditionally with a feather. When doing this, you can set an intention to cleanse away anything that is not yours and is not serving your greatest good (or any verbiage that makes sense for you.) If you have smoke alarms in your space, keep your window open while smudging. For you visual types, here's a short  Vimeo video by herbalist Maia Toll showing you how to smudge with a bundle of sage.

Guide to common smudging herbs:

  • Sage: Used to heal and bless. Drives away negative energies, old patterns, influences that do not serve your greatest good. This is a great herb to burn on the full moon, when we enter the period of waning and shedding. I wrote a blog post about rituals for moon phases with more on this piece at this link.
  • Cedar: Used for protection. This is a wonderful one to use when moving into a new home, apartment, or office.
  • Mugwort: Used for protection, well-being, and endurance. It is said to be "the traveler's friend." It is also helpful for tapping into your dream world or bringing about lucid dream states.
  • Lavender: Calls in spirit guides and is said to guard against negative spirits, and was used in Egypt for mummification.
  • Sweetgrass: Attracts positive energy after negative energy has been banished, and invites in the essence of the feminine. (Wonderful for new moon rituals.)
  • Palo Santo: Calls in new, manifesting energies (Also great to use during the new moon) The sticks of this tree are the part that is usually burned, though you can also find bundles of its leaves at times.

If you'd like to learn more about the ritual of smudging, google has so so so many links for you to peruse. Happy cleansing!

So, what is Reiki anyway?

Reiki has been circling back into my practice more regularly since the new year, and it seems like a perfect time to write a little post about this ancient, subtle, and powerful hands-on-healing method. I am a Master/Teacher-level Reiki practitioner in the Usui tradition and lineage. I have been studying energetic healing and the chakra system since 1995, and I have been formally practicing Reiki since 2003. I enjoy calling upon Reiki energy for my own healing, cleansing the energy of a space, and for hands-on healing treatments for clients, family members, and friends.

This Spring I conducted two Reiki workshops in the Bay Area for therapists who also wish to become Reiki practitioners, and incorporate this type of energetic healing modality into their practices. In these workshops, I shared information about the psychology of the chakra system, taught specifics about Reiki I & II, and 'attuned' the participants to become Reiki practitioners. We gathered in a lovely space in Mountain View, and it just felt so good to send more healers out into this world.

So, what is Reiki?

Reiki is not a religion or dogma, does not take away from current belief system; it’s a gentle, effective, non-invasive hand-on healing modality based on an ancient form of healing. Rei means spiritual consciousness.  Ki means life force (sometimes called chi and prana). Thus, Reiki is a spiritually guided life force energy, which is everything around us (earth, air, sun, water.)

Some of the benefits of Reiki: 

  • Reduction in stress and anxiety
  • A sense of deep peace and tranquility
  • Release of blockages on physical, emotional and spiritual levels
  • Feelings of overall well-being
  • Renewal of spiritual awareness and insight
  • Inner stillness, allowing a deepening connection with self
  • Enhanced functioning of the immune system
  • Reduction in levels of chronic pain
  • Decreased time necessary for healing from illness or injury
  • Shortened recovery time from physical exertion
  • Management of symptoms from chemotherapy
  • Support for conventional medical treatment

What to expect during a Reiki treatment session with me:

I offer 75-minute Reiki sessions. You may think of scheduling a Reiki session as a self-care and self-inquiry treat to yourself, much like getting a massage or acupuncture. You don't need to be my psychotherapy client to receive a Reiki treatment, as I offer them independent of psychotherapy. At times when appropriate, I also incorporate Reiki with psychotherapy clients who are interested.

During a Reiki treatment, you will lie comfortably on a massage table, as you remain fully clothed. You may wish to gently close your eyes as you lie quietly on the table and relax fully into the treatment, remembering that you do not need to do anything to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

The room will be comfortably lit with either candles or soft lighting. Soothing music may be played to enhance relaxation.

I will spend a few minutes getting to know you better, as well as discussing Reiki treatments and finding out what your reasons for coming for a treatment might be. Anything that you choose to share during your treatment will be kept confidential, remembering that this is a safe and sacred environment. If you have any significant areas of physical discomfort, be sure to share that information before the treatment begins, or as you become aware during treatment. I then will gently place my hands over/on the major energy centers, or chakras, of your body, leaving the hands in each position for a few minutes, helping the body to bring itself into balance as it draws in the healing energy of Reiki, and may spend additional time at other areas of the body that seem to be calling for attention.

During the treatment, you may experience a variety of sensations throughout your body such as heat, vibration or tingling, pulsation or flowing energy, lightness or heaviness, deep relaxation, and occasionally temporarily intensified emotions as you release blockages from the past. You may also fall asleep for all or part of the treatment, or find that you do not experience any physical sensations at all. This is perfectly normal, since Reiki does not need to be perceived for you to receive its many benefits, nor do you need to be awake during the treatment.

If you'd like to learn more, I recommend the following books on Reiki: (clicking on affiliate links below will open the Amazon page for the book in a new browser window on your computer) 

Or feel free to contact me to discuss scheduling a session.

Workshop for therapists: Reiki I & the chakras

If you're a therapist or therapy grad student/intern interested in becoming a Reiki practitioner and incorporating the wisdom of the chakra system into your work with clients, check out the intimate workshop I'm offering in Mountain View on Saturday, March 14th.

About the workshop:

In this workshop, we will explore the psychology of the chakra system, and you will be attuned as a Reiki I practitioner. Reiki I is used for self-healing, so this is a wonderful resource for self-care. I will offer Reiki II (for offering Reiki sessions to others) and Reiki III (which is the Master/teacher level of Reiki) attunements in the coming months for those who participate in this first workshop.

Please see full details below (click image to enlarge) and contact me if you're interested. Just a couple openings remain. (Workshop is now full, but do contact me if you want to be alerted for future offerings.)

Recommended reading for participants:

For those pursuing a path in the art of hands-on healing and who enroll in my Reiki workshops, I recommend a few inspirational and informative books. Below you will find a short list of book titles, along with affiliate links to these texts on Amazon.

Keep in mind that this reading is supplementary to the trainings, and not mandatory. You will receive a bound workbook during the workshop that I put together to give you the essentials of what you will need, though these writings are recommended to peruse either before (and particularly after) the training to enhance your knowledge.


Recommended books on the psychology of the chakra system:

Recommended books on Reiki:

Spring cleanse with Reiki

Happy spring!

I hope each of you are enjoying the beauty of the season! Spring is a time of awakening and blossoming, a time when the earth and our bodies awaken from winter's hibernation, and our energy warms and becomes more expansive. It is also a time of a great global shift -- politically, environmentally, and spiritually. As we all experience these changes externally, it is essential to integrate them internally. To rediscover a resting place, a sense of stability and support in our own bodies. It is the perfect time to cleanse the body and spirit, to sharpen your awareness, and to center your intentions. It is wise to come into this enlivened energy of spring and changing energy of the world in a mindful and compassionate way.


The gentle approach of Reiki is a perfect support during a time of change and rebirth. Reiki is an ancient hands-on healing technique where the practitioner guides universal energy to restore balance in the body, mind and spirit. It is done while laying on a massage table, fully clothed, and relaxed. During a Reiki session, you are provided an opportunity to deepen connection to your body's energy system, cleanse unwanted baggage, and gain insight on what you are called to do now. The experience of receiving Reiki is restorative, relaxing, and for many it can be quite cathartic.

Contact me for a Reiki session today.