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Midlife Emergence | The book

“A breathtaking tribute to living an untethered, passionate life.”

-Booklife by publishers weekly

Midlife Emergence: Free Your Inner Fire

Midlife Emergence is a bestselling and award-winning memoir and guidebook; it is a compassionate companion that belongs on the bedside table of every woman who is burning to reclaim powerful parts of herself that social conditioning has locked away. Midlife doesn’t need to be a crisis or an emergency—rather, it’s an emergence, an opportunity to make those beautiful, unexpressed facets shamelessly visible.

Midlife Emergence is for the woman who secretly wonders “Is this all there is?” It validates the adult in untangling her inherent values from those culturally imposed. It embraces the parent ready to be a model for living her truth. It emboldens the woman who has come of age under the patriarchy to finally claim her sovereignty. It supports the person who has been conditioned into compulsory heterosexuality in exploring her intrinsic desires. It empowers the recovering “good girl” to take courageous steps toward full integrity in the second half of life. (Bold Story Press, April 2023)

Author-signed paperbacks available

I’m offering a limited quantity of author-signed paperback copies (with custom messages!) of Midlife Emergence at the link below.

Want to read Midlife Emergence with your friends?

Click here to download a beautiful, 7-page, author-curated PDF filled with feel-provoking questions and connecting activities to bring this book to life with your own book club.

what readers + reviewers saying:

A riveting, poetic, and thunderously courageous book! It’s a deep dive into radical honesty. Every woman is offered a sacred invitation in midlife, and Jen’s ability to articulate her journey and share the amazing opportunity that this precious time offers acts as a reframe on a view that need not be limiting, but full of magic and transformation. I am ever so grateful for this offering!
— Carré Otis, Mother, model, activist, and author of Beauty, Disrupted: A Memoir
Poetically written with vulnerability, wisdom, and humor, Jen Berlingo beautifully reframes the masculine archetype of the midlife crisis into an inspiring tale of the feminine midlife emergence. Jen does a seamless job of weaving together personal story and useful theory, while guiding you through your own exploration of the rite of passage women undergo in the second half of life. This book is a must-read for any woman looking to shed their conditioning and reclaim their authentic expression of self and sexuality.
— Jessica Fern, Psychotherapist and bestselling author of Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma and Consensual Nonmonogamy
This book is for every woman who wants more in her life and doesn’t quite know how to get it. Jen’s story is the ultimate reminder that living in our authentic truth, no matter how difficult the road may seem, is the recipe for a beautiful life. Jen shares her wisdom so vulnerably and offers the reader a road map to true and lasting transformation.
— Keele Burgin, International bestselling author of Wholly Unraveled: A Memoir
Written with depth, color, and candor, Midlife Emergence is one woman’s utterly human portrayal of becoming who she really is. Jen’s courageous revelations, humor, and accessibility invite us to similarly align with truth, while also providing clever and creative exercises to help us do so — a true gem and an inspiring read.
— Eric Meyers, Astrologer and author of The Astrology of Awakening
’More is perhaps the most subversive thing a middle-aged woman can claim.’ This line from Midlife Emergence jumped off the page and landed in my body solidly, the way only profound truth really can. To live into the fullness of the second half of our lives, we have to be willing to want, name, and claim MORE. We must not only have the courage to acknowledge that steady drumbeat of knowing that whispers ‘there’s more,’ but the audacity to follow it where it leads. In this book, Jen skillfully weaves personal memoir with her background in psychotherapy to create a powerful guide through the liminal spaces of midlife.
— Jeanette LeBlanc, author of You Are Not Too Much
For anyone who has found themselves reexamining their sexuality later in life, this book provides deeply satisfying answers to the questions of “Why me?” and “Why now?” Midlife Emergence is a thoughtful weaving of Jen’s own captivating story with the social science behind why we do some of the things we do. It’s a lesson in appreciating the challenging process of transformation.
— Jillian Abby, Author of Perfectly Queer
If you are a midlife woman who is feeling a deep call for change, Jen’s teaching memoir is a nourishing and empowering book to curl up to. She shares her own powerful story of emergence and in doing so invites us to find and claim our own.
— Bari Tessler, Somatic Psychotherapist and author of The Art of Money

If you’d like to follow my journey of bringing this body of work to life, check out #midlifeemergence on Instagram.