
Through my prismatic lens

Hello lovely ones! Over the last few years, I’ve poured my writing efforts into my book, Midlife Emergence: Free Your Inner Fire, which was published in paperback, ebook, and audiobook in April 2023. So, I’ve been relatively quiet over here on this blog… but words are once again tapping me on the shoulder, being whispered in my ear, making their way up my throat and down my arms and out my fingertips. I’m listening.

That’s why I started a Substack. It’s called prism, and it’s a space where I share my writing, art, and photography to express what’s coloring my world each week, exploring themes like:

  • the messy opportunities of midlife,

  • being queer and the experience of embracing the fullness of my sexuality later in life,

  • the creative process,

  • hexing the patriarchy,

  • relationships, intimacy, + connection of all flavors,

  • wellness (of soul + of soma),

  • the sacred + the profane,

  • and much more.

I’ve often been called a “resource queen,” so I’m also using this digital space to curate cool, quirky, useful, and interesting shit for you, such as: music, podcasts, books, movies, tv, poetry, quotes, comedy, snacks, and ways of decorating + expressing the self.

prism is an art project in itself. I hope it brings you a full spectrum of feels — including, but not limited to, feeling artistically inspired, deeply connected/met/seen, and entertained by the silly mess of our collective humanness.

I hope you’ll join me there to receive a rainbow of beautiful truths + curated creations seen through the lens of a midlife coach, art psychotherapist, bestselling author, + queer artist. I post every Monday for free subscribers, and paid subscribers get so much more!!! Meet me over there, over the rainbow…