Midlife doesn’t have to be a crisis.
does this sound like you?
You’re in midlife, which can span from your late 30s to your early 60s. (You’re most likely somewhere in your 40s where you begin to feel that inner quaking.)
You grew up conditioned to be all of the things ‘girl’ or ‘woman’ meant during the era when we were children, regardless of your current gender identity.
You feel a gut-flipping longing you may not be able to quite put your finger on. You can’t ignore the feeling that something needs to change, but you don’t know how change would be possible, given all of your responsibilities and commitments.
You fantasize about the paths not taken. Even with the beautiful life you’ve carefully constructed, you still secretly wonder: “Is this all there is?”
You ache for more… more passion, more depth, more grit, more truth, more freedom… to be more fully YOU.
what’s happening in midlife
Some call the liminal space between the first and second acts of life a “midlife crisis,” but based on my personal experience of this transition, I prefer to call this phase of adulthood the midlife emergence®. Emergence is defined as the process of coming fully into view after previously being concealed, and that’s what we’re up to — uncovering, unfolding, and unfurling the absolute truth of YOU.
Developmentally, midlife demands that we step beyond the social, familial, and cultural conditioning to take the risk of truly becoming ourselves, even if we fear that it could jeopardize connection, belonging, and acceptance.
I wrote the book on midlife
(for those who want to evolve past the patriarchy.)
Click here to learn all about my bestselling book, Midlife Emergence. It’s both a revelatory memoir and an inviting guidebook — a compassionate companion that belongs on the bedside table of those burning to reclaim powerful parts of self that social conditioning locked away.
you don’t have to go through it alone.
I’ve been there, I see you, and I’m ready to meet you where you are. As your midlife coach, I will journey alongside you as you rebirth yourself in full integrity. We will explore any and all of the ways that your personal midlife passage is absolutely unique to you! You may feel the quaking and shifting in one or many areas of your life, including (but not limited to) marriage, partnership, sexuality, gender, parenting, vocation, friendship, spirituality, family of origin issues, geographic location, etc. You and me, one-to-one, in a steadily held and liberatingly free thought-partnering (and, let’s be real, feel-partnering) coaching relationship. You will come away from this experience with:
a deep understanding of and compassion for the root of your white-hot longing (and/or dull, aching boredom)
ways to balance the safe and familiar life you’ve created and the seductive mystery of what you’re growing into
avenues for expressing yourself authentically, (even if that expression no longer matches the expectations others have based on who you have been)
solid footing for withstanding the emotional reactivity that will undoubtedly come when you let go of trying to make everyone else comfortable at your expense
a capacity to hold both the grief of letting go of old ways of being and the rapture of unfurling
a profound acceptance of living in your absolute truth, (which, by the way, ripples out to everyone you touch, giving others the courage to do the same!)
prefer a community to 1:1 coaching?
If this flavor of work speaks to you, but you’re someone who likes a community-based experience, The Midlife Emergence® group guidance program is available by application only. Click here to learn more and apply to be a part of the next cohort. Each circle is limited to 12 members.
testimonials from coaching clients
“Jen’s Midlife Emergence coaching was exactly what I’ve been looking for in my life! I loved her approach to helping women who are feeling the bumpiness of this transitional time of life. She comes to each session with such a comforting and powerful blend of “life coach,” “therapist,” and “supportive friend.” I felt so fully seen by her, both during our calls and afterwards when her thoughtful and spot-on follow-up emails would hit my inbox. She gets it. She’s lived it. And it’s impossible not to feel the comfort of that in sessions with her.”
“Jen helped me to make sense of the anxieties and fears of this tumultuous time of passage and take steps to make concrete changes in my life. I am moving forward now with more clarity, bravery and confidence. Jen’s empathy and ability to ‘read’ me are extraordinary.”
“In any rite of passage, we need wise elders or guides to hold space for us during the threshold seasons of our lives. Otherwise, we risk stumbling around in the dark, taking the long way home. That’s how I see Jen — as an incredibly wise and intuitive guide who holds space for you to do the work, whilst keeping you emboldened, self-reflective, and inspired throughout your own unique emergence journey. While the process of transformation is personal, this doesn’t mean that it should be experienced in private. In the right relationships and communities, where we feel deeply seen and heard, we can come to truly find ourselves.”
“Jen’s guidance came at a perfect time in my life. I wasn’t even sure what or if I needed something, and now I am finding out about patterns that I had covered onto which I am able to compassionately shine a light.”
“Having Jen as a witness is an invaluable experience. Each coaching session felt aligning. Jen provided me with guidance to the things in my Self that I (and that we all) can overlook. Jen was there to listen and carefully place parts of my reclaimed Self on a virtual altar, alongside new discoveries. ”
“Midlife coaching has really helped me in this critical time of self-discovery. At a time of life when all of the pressures of caring for others (aging parents, partners, children, etc.,) feel so heavy and distracting, this material has helped me look inward, find my inner voice, nurture it, and move more authentically and deliberately toward the life I want in my second act.”